// ##################################### // WARNING: These files are GENERATED. // Any changes will get overridden. // Make any changes using configgy. // // File: recipientapp-web // App: recipientapp-web // Name: SchoolMessenger Recipient Web Application // Env: produs1 // Config Type: default // // Generated on: 2025-01-07 15:04:51 +0000 // ##################################### /*jshint unused: false*/ var appHosts = { // Host for recipientapp-web raweb: 'msgs4.me', // Host for portalauth-web paweb: 'portal.schoolmessenger.com', // Host for im service im: 'im.schoolmessenger.com' }; var appDomains = { "me" : { "code": "US", "name": "HealthCare", "host": "msgs4.me" } }; // App configuration is defined as javascript variables below. var appConfig = { location: appDomains[appHosts.raweb.split(".").pop()], appHosts: appHosts, appDomains: appDomains, // GA site id for analytics tracking googleAnalyticsSiteId: '', environment: { hasFlash: false, isIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1), isSafari: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Safari') !== -1), isFirefox: (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1) }, // NewRelic Instrumentation instrumentation: { licenseKey: 'dbab9202f3', applicationID: '184342829' }, // API access points apiAccess: { // PortalAuth API Version 2 portalAuthV2: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.raweb + '/capi/paapi', apiRoot: 'https://' + appHosts.paweb + '/api/2' }, // InfoCenter API Version 1 infoCenterV1: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.raweb + '/capi/icapi' }, // GlobalDestinationRegistry API Version 1 globalDestinationRegistryV1: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.raweb + '/capi/gdrapi' }, imServiceV1: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.im + '/api/1' }, imServiceV2: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.im + '/api/2' }, imServiceV3: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.im + '/api/3' }, imServiceV4: { url: 'https://' + appHosts.im + '/api/4' } }, externalLink: { // PortalAuth WebAPP registration form link register: 'https://' + appHosts.paweb + '/#/register?clientid=raweb-client', // PortalAuth Oauth2 login form link // login: 'https://' + appHosts.paweb + '/api/2/oauth/authorize?client_id=raweb-client&response_type=token', login: 'https://' + appHosts.paweb + '/#/login?clientid=raweb-client', // PortalAuth WebApp logout link; this is copied to logoutToken with %token% replaced with the oauth2 token received from login response logout: 'https://' + appHosts.paweb + '/#/logout?token=%token%&pass=%logoutPass%&fail=%logoutFail%', logoutPass: 'https://' + appHosts.raweb + '/', // Redirect back here for logout success logoutFail: 'https://' + appHosts.raweb + '/#/?logoutfail', // Redirect back here for logout failure logoutToken: null, // Placeholder for final composited logout URL // PortalAuth WebAPP password reset form link password: 'https://' + appHosts.paweb + '/#/resetpassword', // Link to the Apple mobile version of ICRA itunesStore: { appId: '', affiliateData: '', link: 'https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/schoolmessenger-infocenter/id978894818?mt=8' }, // Link to the Android mobile version of ICRA googlePlay: { link: 'http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schoolmessenger.recipient' } } };